Sunday, October 21, 2012

My triumphant blogging!!

Well, well, well, look who's found her way back to the blogosphere!

After a too long hiatus/recharge of the ol’ 'noggin,  I'm finally ready to jump back into blogging and getting some more work done on "The Lovecraft Paradox"! I've missed having my own little corner of the interwebs where I can sound off and make my voice heard. Blogging used to be such a huge part of my life, I truly do miss it! But life in general has been pretty hectic lately. I’m hoping that starting today I can get back into the habit of updating regularly. So prepare yourselves, dear readers, for MADNESS!!

First things first, I guess! By now you must be asking yourself “What’s with that wacky name?”. It’s pretty simple really! About two months ago, I married the love of my life who just happens to be an elusive creature believed to not exist! I really have no idea what all the fuss is about. I will admit it, in the beginning he was pretty hard to find, but eventually he turned up and he was right under my nose the whole time! Maybe all those cryptozoologists and scientists are just trying too hard! He certainly looks human enough to fool even the most seasoned investigator and his intelligence borders on genius levels!! He says his name is “Fred” but I just call him Yeti and it seems to have stuck with all of our family and friends. He doesn’t seem to mind that I’ve exposed him to the public, but he is still having trouble with table manners and some other social graces. Practice makes perfect though!That’s not to say he doesn’t teach me things too. The wealth of information he holds and teaches me everyday is pretty incredible! I’m looking forward to a long, happy, life with my Yeti. he truly has changed my life for the better in every way.

So what should you expect from this blog? Exactly what one normally gets from a blog! Ranting about things I hate,neverending and unnecessary praise things I love, posting wacky pictures I take and of course documenting my daily life with a Yeti! I hope to keep this page as updated as possible. Adventures coming up for us include our trip to New Orleans, which we leave for on FRIDAY, and an attempt to cook a goose for Thanksgiving dinner (take THAT, turkey!!). Of course in between blogs, I’ll also be working on The Lovecraft Paradox! I seriously only have ‘til December to finish or else the story becomes obsolete! Nothing like a little countdown to the end of the world to get over this epic bout of writer’s block!

So enjoy your time here on my new blog. I know I will enjoy writing it for you all!

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