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Starting to get serious over here... |
I'm also trying to get my hands on a copy of Gordon's Ultimate Cookery Course book! It's not easy to come by! It seems most copies are currently in the UK and will take over two weeks to get here! I guess I could start with another book of his while I wait? I wish it didn't have to be that way but I'm chomping at the bit and really want to get started soon!
Over the week, Yeti and I discovered another one of Chef Gordon's shows based strictly in the UK called "Gordon Behind Bars". I must say, if you haven't given Gordon a chance outside of "Hell's Kitchen" and "Kitchen Nightmares", type Gordon Behind Bars into YouTube and check it out. It's all about the Chef's attempt to teach convicts in HM Brixton Prison how to cook/bake and run a business, which not only provides them with some useful skills when they are eventually released, but also allows them to make money and give back to the prison while serving their sentences. Their operation was named simply: The Bad Boys Bakery. I can't help but applaud such an honorable idea. As someone who watched a loved one go through the prison/rehab process, this hits particularly close to home for me.
Now i'm not talking about the child molesters, rapists and murderers. They can rot, as they are a danger to our society. I'm talking about those who commit victim-less crimes. Crimes that could be avoided if these people were given a decent chance to try and change their ways. Yes I do know someone who went through the system. I watched as he screwed up over and over again. Every time it would end with the same result: a jail sentence. The ultimate "time-out" to sit and think about what they've done. We thought that all hope was lost for this person. It wasn't until one judge sent him to a rehab facility that we started to see real change. A place were he had to earn privileges by being an upstanding member of the program and attend regular counseling sessions. It was a long, hard, road but eventually I got my brother back. Does he still have his ups and downs now? Of course he does. But he's far better off now then he was. He's not the only person that has come out of the program for the better either, I know a few more who have. All have re-acclimated themselves to the outside world and have become fully function and respectable member of society.
You could tell just by watching this show that Gordon really cares for these men he recruits for the program. His drive to help them learn and actually feel good about DOING SOMETHING for themselves is extraordinary. Even knowing the dangers that can come with working inside of a locked kitchen, he still went in and did it. It's nothing short of inspiring. If he feels that even these people, the ones that society has forgotten, can learn to cook and successfully run a business, then why can't I? Granted I don't have the same stigma attached to me that these inmates do, but it still gives me hope that I CAN do this. I've never been more motivated!
Kudos to you, Chef Ramsay! Kudos to you for inspiring the down-trodden to be better than they are. Even if they aren't up to your standards in the kitchen, that doesn't mean they aren't willing to learn and BECOME great. Everyone has that potential in them. They just need to be given the chance.
You could tell just by watching this show that Gordon really cares for these men he recruits for the program. His drive to help them learn and actually feel good about DOING SOMETHING for themselves is extraordinary. Even knowing the dangers that can come with working inside of a locked kitchen, he still went in and did it. It's nothing short of inspiring. If he feels that even these people, the ones that society has forgotten, can learn to cook and successfully run a business, then why can't I? Granted I don't have the same stigma attached to me that these inmates do, but it still gives me hope that I CAN do this. I've never been more motivated!
Kudos to you, Chef Ramsay! Kudos to you for inspiring the down-trodden to be better than they are. Even if they aren't up to your standards in the kitchen, that doesn't mean they aren't willing to learn and BECOME great. Everyone has that potential in them. They just need to be given the chance.