Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Strangest Idea I've Ever Had (That just Might Work)!!

I've posted on here before about my affinity for baking. It's something I really enjoy doing and I seem to have at least some form of talent for it. But what I haven't gone into much detail about is my relatively new passion for cooking in general! I always thought cooking was fun, but never really took it too seriously. To be honest, I was an extremely picky eater up until just recently. 

Over the past two years or so, however, I'm very proud to say that I've expanded my limited palate. Gone are the days of buying pre-packaged, pre-made foods! For example, one of my favorite things to do is make my own pasta sauce! I can make a giant pot of it and have the confidence of knowing what exactly went INTO that sauce is fresh, free of sodium and preservatives, and most importantly tastes great. This newfound love for food is mostly thanks to my wonderful Yeti. He's even gotten me to try a bunch of different kinds of seafood which I used to LOATHE only a few short years ago. But I also feel like I need to give some credit to another gentleman. A gentleman who has, in fact, inspired the strangest idea I've ever had. And that man is none other than Chef Gordon Ramsay.
Yes, that's right. Gordon Ramsay. Most people here in the states know Gordon as the hot-headed, foul-mouthed Chef from "Hell's Kitchen" and "Kitchen Nightmares". On the surface he seems abrasive, pompous. and just plain angry. However, in my own opinion, what we see on his American television programs are almost the exact opposite of what is shown in the UK. Take for example his show Cookalong Live!:

The Gordon we see here is happy. SMILING (shocking, right) and enthusiastic! He not only cooks live in the studio with a guest, but fans tune in from around the country via webcam and cook right along with him! His excitement and passion for food shines through! "The F Word" (another UK only show) spotlights Mr. Ramsay's outstanding devotion to his craft. Even on the UK version of "Kitchen Nightmares", the emphasis seems to be more on teaching the chefs and owners how to run a restaurant rather than the makeshift family counselor role Gordon takes on on the Fox version.

But what does any of this have to do with my strangest idea ever, you ask? In my on-going efforts to make myself a better writer, a healthier individual and expand upon my own abilities in the kitchen, I've decided to challenge myself in a way that may seem a bit silly but I think it might just work.One of the observations i've made about Gordon's cooking style is this: simple, fresh and easy. Sometimes the simpler the recipe, the better the quality of meal you'll have. With that said, I've decided that it might be fun to try a "Julie and Julia"-style experiment. Not being a trained chef in any way, shape or form, I plan on using Gordon's amazing cookbook "Ultimate Cookery Course" and trying to make as many of the recipes in it as I can. I fully plan on documenting each attempt and sharing each dish with family and friends! Yes that's right. You will all be my culinary guinea pigs!! I can only hope and wish that my food will come out half as good as the world-renowned Chef who created the recipes, and hopefully not get sued in the process! And who knows? Gordon may actually LIKE the idea ;).

I'm still trying to come up with a title for this ambitious project. Yeti threw out the name "LAMB SAUCE!" because, well, it's hilarious and so very Gordon (any fan of "Hell's Kitchen" will get the reference).  My instinct, however, is to keep it simple. That is the point after all, right? Something along the lines of "Average Jo" which is pretty straightforward and true. Because really that's what I am. I'm not a "Master Chef" and i'm nowhere near ready for "Hells Kitchen". I'm just your average Jo. Literally. 

So get ready, Chef Ramsay. I can't guarantee that the meals will be stellar every time (please don't yell at me!!) but this girl is gonna try really hard to make you proud! 

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