Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Uhhhh....Testing, 1,2?

Is this thing on?

Oh good. I just figured i'd check since my last post was apparently May 5th. What kind of ridiculousness is that?? What in the world am I doing with my time? Between cake decorating classes, baking everything under the sun, getting back to the gym (I can't even type that without chuckling to myself), engagements with family and friends, marathoning Doctor Who with Yeti, work obviously, taking care of my home etc., I guess I just haven't had time to sit down and bang out some short stories/blog entries. I know I've been busy but I didn't realize I was so busy that I let my poor little blog fall to the wayside! I need to work on fixing that! I know I say that all the time, but, i'm serious this time! Really I am!

I've been thinking about life a lot lately. Maybe it's because I live with Yeti whose brain only shuts down to sleep for a few hours. Even when he wakes up first thing in the morning, he's contemplating philosophical questions and political debates. I don't know how he does it. My biggest problem when I wake up in the morning is what I'm going to eat for breakfast. I need at LEAST two cups of coffee before my brain starts to function properly. I don't know if that's good or bad.

It could also be because i'm very rapidly coming up on my 30th birthday. I know i'm probably making it out to be a bigger deal than it actually is but it's certainly a milestone. I remember turning 20 and thinking about turning 30 in ten years. "But 30 is so far away! I've got plenty of time to play!" And then 9 ridiculously fast years later, I realized that I was almost 30 and still didn't know what I wanted to be when I grow up. I think I know now but, honestly, does anyone really know? I think i'm feeling that if I don't do something now and make some changes the time will never come again. Why is it that 30 is the magic number to make people question these things? It's just a number after all. Although I guess it could be viewed as that dreadful number smack dab in the middle of ones life. But humans are living so much longer these days. When will 40 become the new 30? Most of my friends from my high school years have turned 30 and they seem to have come out of it unscathed. So what exactly is my problem?

I think i'm just worried that i'm wasting too much time. The old adage of "Use it Or Lose It" becomes more and more gut-wrenching to think about the older I get. Am I really using my time and talents to my advantage? Am I trying hard enough to make sure my voice is heard?  Is there anything I could be doing better? Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I don't like sitting around and doing nothing. "There are 24 usable hours in everyday" is what I always say. Even in that state of mind, I always wonder if I could be doing more. I'm not a person who likes to "rest" easily. Sometimes I wonder if I should get up earlier just to get everything done that I want to do! Maybe I just need to focus more on things that make me happy and that I WANT to do instead of things that I NEED to do. I'm slowly but surely learning how to balance those things out.

My cake decorating and baking are really something I want to focus on. As I've stated before on this blog, I come from a family of decorators but my father and grandmother only ever did it as a hobby. I believe, and always will that if the opportunity ever arose to turn their skills into a business that they absolutely would have. I often wonder if they regret that decision not to embrace their passion for cake decorating and baking. But of course I could be all wrong entirely and maybe they just thought of it as something fun to do rather than something that could be a career. For me personally, it's something I can see myself doing form sunrise to sundown and not getting tired of. Here are some examples of my work so far since my last post:

 Two weeks or so ago, Yeti and I were talking about how our local bakery closes up at 6pm! I was put off by this and didn't understand why they closed so early when they could surely make more money when people get out of work. Then he explained "Well they open around 5, I think. So they probably have to even BE there at 4 just to start baking everything fresh! That's probably why they close so early." And I thought that was the greatest thing. Just waking up and baking and decorating all day. Maybe even writing in between baking and decorating all day. How wonderful!!

So starting today, with 29 days to go before my 30th birthday, I will be officially opening up shop for business!! If you need a cake, cookies, cupcakes or anything dessert-related for your next event, i'm your girl! There's no project too big or too small! I will tackle it with blood, sweat and tears if I have too! But I promise, no bodily fluids will touch your cake! I'm working on getting some business cards made and I may even start up a separate blog page to keep everyone updated on my progress/different projects! So tell your friends! Tell your mom! Tell your friend's mom! Tell your mom's friend! The Jostess Bakery* is finally ready for the challenge! 

I do hope you'll consider me for your next big gathering or party! I'm looking forward to spreading my wings and embracing this brand new venture. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have! I'm really excited about this news and I hope you are too! 


  1. Additionally I should add this

    *Jostess Bakery is a working title in progress. This may change in the future.

  2. Congrats Jo! I'm so excited for you! Best of luck.
    Love, The Ballotta Brood

    I love JOSTESS. Also, I was thinking JOTELLA, yum......

    1. Thank you!!! :-D Miss you!! Jotella is also good!!
