Friday, September 6, 2013

Life Lessons To My 15-year Old Self #1

I guess this is technically Life Lesson #2 since I included #1 in my last post but this is my first entry solely on this particular topic. I'm actually really proud of myself that i'm sitting down and making an effort to write this out, even though it's taken a little longer than I had hoped to post! That's still 3 blog entries in just about two weeks! Now if I could only get back on a regular gym schedule, i'll be all set to ring in 30 on a high note!

O.K. I'm done patting myself on the back for now, so back to the point so you didn't come here and read this for nothing. Aaaand here we go: 

Make sure you have a happy place to go to. Plain and simple. 

It's important in this constant state of hustle and bustle that we live in to be able to find your special spot that can help you unwind like no other. I know this has been said countless times before, but this particular life lesson is one that I learned at an early age and hold quite close. Not just because of the sentiment behind it, but because of the particular location in question that I consider my happy place. It is one that I've had a connection with since I was a little girl. And that place is none other than Salem Willows Amusement Park in Salem, Mass. Come on, how can you not fall in love with a backdrop as gorgeous as this??

I wish I could find a better picture that would do the area justice but I don't think it's possible. You absolutely need to see it to believe it. It is truly a feast for all five senses. Located right on Salem Harbor, this beautiful park is lined with stately white willow trees  There's an arcade full of games, both old and new, and a little casino with games where you can win tickets for prizes.  An antique carousel is just one of many children's rides they have on site, as well as a complete 18-hole Miniature Golf course in the smallest space imaginable. Have I mentioned the wonderful food yet? From Fried Twinkies to Chop Suey Sandwiches, the Willows have it all! Or if you'd prefer it, the park is full of picnic tables so you can bring your own snacks. It truly is one of the hidden gems of the North Shore! The Willows have, and always will, hold a special place in my heart.

 Now, if you can believe it, that adorable child in the above picture is actually yours truly. That photo was taken in either 1987 or 1988, which would make me around 4 or 5. As far back as I can remember, at least twice each year (traditionally Memorial Day and Labor Day) my family always found their way there. Everyone would bring a little picnic lunch and we would eat before we went into the Willows Casino. That's where my nana taught me how to play skee ball! I remember riding on the carousel and the little boat ride until I was too big to do so! Oh I loved those rides! It was such a joy when I got older watching my youngest cousins get the chance to experience them as well. I look forward to one day being able to bring my own children to this remarkable location. 

This photo was taken just about a year ago, give or take a few weeks, at Yeti and my Birthday/Wedding celebration! My birthday is on the 20th and his is on the 28th so we decided to pick a day in between to have a fun gathering of family and friends at the Willows for our wedding (which took place in August). Now, as an adult, I appreciate it even more for the serene atmosphere and for the piece of mind it brings me whenever I go there. Yeti and I probably make several trips a month there now and it never loses its luster. 

So as you can see, this beautiful spot means more to me than any other in the world. I hope you all have a special place to call your own too :). 

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