Friday, November 8, 2013

A Grateful Month! #1

Today marks my first blog post in about two months.....and i'm ok with that.

I'm not going to start this post the way I typically do which is to bitch and moan about how I never have time to blog anymore and how bad I feel about it because I've been preoccupied! And for good reason! I've officially opened up shop with the Jostess Bakery! I've been baking up a storm and keeping myself pretty busy! I couldn't be happier! Even though my focus has been turned from writing slightly, I still think about it and am eager to get back into it. When the time is right, of course :). 

What brings me back to the blog today is a specific little "meme" going around Facebook where everyday for the month of November you post a different thing you're grateful / thankful for. What a great concept! But instead of posting a simple status update, I've decided to put a spin on it. In an effort to get back in the habit of posting and writing regularly, even if it's just a short paragraph,  ill be posting one entry a day as reminder to myself that there is always something to be grateful for. Even outside of the month of November, it's extremely important to always look for the little things that make your life wonderful even on the hardest days!

Seeing that it's already the 8th, I have a ton of catching up to do! Let's get to it, shall we?

1) My wonderful Yeti: He is my rock and my best friend. I don't know what i'd do without him! He is truly remarkable. He makes me laugh constantly and he puts up with way more than he should when it comes to my strange emotional baggage. Not once has he ever abandoned me during one of my strange emotional fits. He's always right there with a hug and kiss for as long as it takes even if it's a couple hours. Not one day passes where we don't dance together just because :). He drives me into work everyday and picks me up every night just so we can spend a little extra time together each day. I like to think of him as my Doctor :). Because only a Time Lord could go through life with the wealth of information he has stored inside his noggin. I learn something new from him every single day and I couldn't be more proud to call him my husband. He's my constant reminder that sometimes taking a risk is absolutely worth it. 

2) My parents: Obviously, I would not be here without them for starters but I also wouldn't be who I am TODAY without them. My parents always taught me that even though we didn't have a lot, what we did have was enough. We had each other, a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and clothes on our backs. Through some of the roughest times in my life, my parents have always been there to support me even if they didn't understand what I was doing at the time. I can never repay them for the immense amount of love and support that I've received from both of them. I often hear stories of parents disowning their children for the most trivial things or children not speaking  to their parents anymore over unneccesary arguments, I couldn't imagine giving my parents up for anything. Nothing is worth losing their love :). I just hope that one day when my time comes I can be as great to my kids as they were to me! Love you mom and dad!

3) My grandparents: Most 30 year old's are lucky if they still have one grandparent living. I've been blessed enough to still have 3! Both of my dad's parents and my mom's mom are all still with us thankfully :). I have so many fond memories of them all from my childhood and I dread the day I will lose them. My grandmother Lorraine is actually one of the strongest  women I know. She cooks Sunday dinner every week for the family and takes care of my grandfather who is currently losing his battle with Alzheimers. I don't know how she does it. Of course my Nana Natalie is the same, always crocheting fun little things for the family and people she knows. I only wish I could do more to help them now in their old age the way they helped me throughout my life! I'm thankful for every additional day i'm given with them!

4)My brother: So my brother and I haven't always seen eye to eye but this happens with siblings.However, his mere existence is a living testament to picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and starting over again. There was a time when I wasn't sure if the next call from my mom about him was going to be the end of it all. There was also a time when I wasn't sure who he was anymore. But in the end, he came back swinging! He went to rehab, got himself cleaned up and he's on the right path to success! Sure he may have his moments when he falls of the wagon but, don't we all? My brother is still here with us and that is all that matters. I love him dearly! 

5) My niece and nephews: I'm not a mother myself yet but I'm luckily enough to have 3 lovely little children in my life to fill the kid void until we are ready to have our own: Ellie, Michael and Sam :). I'm so lucky and grateful to help out and be a part of their lives! It's so amazing watching them grown and learn all about this big crazy world of ours. No matter how bad my day can get, it always gets better if I get to spend time with them! Even when my niece insists on brushing my super long hair with her tiny Rapunzel brush, it's totally worth it if it makes her happy :). I love them all to pieces and can't wait to see what their life has in store for these amazing little people! 

6)My friends: I have some of the most amazing and supportive friends on the planet. It's kinda hard for me to make new friends being the introvert that I am but the few really good friends that I have are incredible. They're supportive and fun and are always there to lend a hand or an ear or a shoulder to cry on if I need it. And vice versa, of course. They all have so many unique qualities and hobbies. Some of them are even just different versions of myself. My friend Alicia and I actually experience physical/emotional ailments at the exact same time, it's the weirdest thing! Each and every one of them holds a special place in my heart. They seem to get me which is weird, so I think i'll keep them around for as long as I can :).

7) Baking: Yes I know, it's pretty far down the list but for good reason of course. I've mentioned this several times before on this here little blog but baking has always been a huge part of my life. My dad before me and my grandmother before him have always been baking up a storm. My kitchen is a place where I can escape with a glass of wine and create things that I hope will bring a smile to people's faces! I am so lucky to now have the opportunity to try and create a living out of something I love that will make people happy in the process! It's such a great feeling! 

8)This blog: Or any blog I've had in the past for that matter. What an amazing and bizarre thing the internet is. I love having a place to go when i need to get something off my chest, have a story idea gnawing away at me or when something incredible happens that I want to share with everyone! Being able to share stories and ideas with friends and family that I may not see everyday is such a wonderful thing! We're incredibly lucky in this day and age, dear readers. Without wouldn't be reading this obscenely long post now would you? Which may be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it ;). I will always be grateful for this little web space to call my own. 

Phew!! That was a long one!!  I just hope I didn't blow my blogging fuse so I can continue on for the rest of the month! 22 more days to go, friends! :-D

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