Sunday, November 17, 2013

Days 15 -17: OOOOOPS

Missed a few days again!! What can I say? On Friday I was baking and decorating all day. And I must say, I'm pretty pleased with the results:

I've always loved Edward Gorey so I was extremely excited when I was asked to make these a few weeks ago. Now I know i'm not Picasso when it comes to the art department but I think I did pretty o.k. drawing these by hand. Time well spent I think! I'm actually EXTREMELY thankful for having an uneventful baking day on Friday! Normally at least one major thing goes wrong/doesn't cooperate with the plan I have in mind for my baking projects.  These were pretty labor intensive but I kept my cool and came out of it unscathed. Yay for growing and learning as a baker! 

Yesterday, however, I don't have much of an excuse for. I did work but I let my crazy brain get in the way of me posting anything worthwhile. I tried! I really did! I just happened to fall into a depressed slump after the crazy cupcake high. I think it's because reality set in and I had to come into work at me real job. BOOOOOO! One day (hopefully soon) I'll be able to just wake up and bake every single day instead of sitting at this cold, boring, desk. 

Over the past few days, there have been a lot of things to be thankful for regardless of my irrational mental state at times. I suppose I should be thankful that I at least have a job in this troubled economy. I'm thankful that I get the opportunity every day to help people because of it. Yeah, a steady paycheck, health benefits and a 401k are all good things to have too. I'm also really lucky to have the boss I have. I've heard horror stories from people about their horrible bosses.Considering I've known the guy 10 years and I don't have one bad thing to say about him should say a lot. And as stressful and busy as my job gets sometimes, it's really not a hard job. Maddening? Sure. Mind-numbing? Absolutely. Does it make me question the intelligence of the overall populace? Every single day. But is it hard? Not really.

I'm thankful that we got to help a good friend out over the weekend! That made me feel really good. We don't often get to see Craig because he lives so far away, but it was nice to have him with us! I hope next time it will be under better circumstances though.

I don't think I have much else to say. My mind is racing and can't seem to focus on any one thing today. But I feel good knowing I got at least SOMETHING written down and posted. I feel like I did something today!

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