Thursday, November 14, 2013

Days 12 - 14, respectively

So I missed a few days. I kinda knew this would happen. It's so hard to post from work! I've had a bunch of ideas swirling around in my head. I even wrote a first draft of a post for the past two days! But work kept getting in the way (of course) and it never sounded the way I wanted. So i'm sitting down, while it's somewhat quiet around here, to write this one just to see if I can make some progress and get something posted!! Like I said when I started, it's important everyday, no matter how bad things may get, to look for what makes each day worth it! I'm really enjoying writing these entries for that very reason. Maybe i'll even keep this up after November is over :). It's especially important for me to get it done today because, well, today has been a ridiculously bad day. I need to reflect on at least SOME positives that have helped me get through this. 

On Monday when I woke up to snow falling, I was not happy. Winter is coming after all.  I knew it was only a matter of time, but it still made me sad. I hate bundling up to go outside. I hate wearing gloves and I always end up losing gloves in the winter. I hate plows and sand trucks all over the road. I hate shoveling snow. I hate getting wet FROM shoveling snow. But most of all, I hate being cold! You'd think that living in New England all my life would make me used to it by now. But no. The cold and I are not friends. That's why one of the things i'm extremely thankful for is none other than HEAT. 

Now, I'm not talking about summer heat. That's something else completely. Summer heat is something you can't escape easily. Which isn't always bad, but it can be. I definitely prefer it over winters icy chill. What I'm talking about specifically is, well, heaters! Things that make me warm again WHEN I'm feeling super cold. I feel very blessed and lucky during the winter months to be able to turn on the heat, curl up under a blanket, throw on my fuzzy slipper socks and drink cocoa. Huzzah for heat! The heat in my car is one of my favorite things in the world! I can make it as hot as I want or as cold as I want and no one can tell me no! Well except maybe Fred, but he's usually all about keeping me happy which means making sure I'm warm. Last night at work, I had to walk a blind patient out to the bus stop while it was a frigid 33 degrees out!. Coming back into the warmth of my lobby after, even though I was at work, was such a great feeling! I'm lucky I have so many places to go and  resources around me to keep me nice and toasty during these chilly months coming up. Aren't you?

Part two of my post today is all about something that accompanied me during my hour long walk into work this morning. It actually helps me get me through most things! It picks me up when i'm down, mellows me out when i'm freaking out about nothing, gets me through workouts, and is even a pretty integral part of the success of the Jostess Bakery! I'm surprised it's made such a late debut on this list considering just how often I use it! I'm talking of course about.....

MUSIC!! Music has always played a super huge role in my life.I listen to music all the time! I never realized just how much until today though during my walk! In elementary school, I played the recorder and the violin. One of my favorite things to do when I was little was listen to Disney soundtracks like "Aladdin" and "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Little Mermaid" and learn every note and song.I sang in the choir when I went to church.  Now that i'm older, I love just driving in my car (with the heat blasting of course ;) ) and zipping around to fun tunes. I think the iPod is one of the greatest inventions ever. You mean I get to carry over a thousand songs on a tiny little device that fits in my pocket that I can listen to whenever I want? That's the best thing EVER!! And with the addition of Pandora and Spotify, i'm in music heaven! Especially since my musical tastes are pretty wide-ranging. It's always interesting when one minute i'm listening to Lady Gaga and then it switched to Johnny Cash and then from there it goes to Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. I wouldn't have it any other way though!

And last but not least, what else am I thankful for today? All the little things that made me smile despite the general aura of horrible that seemed to be stuck to Thursday. I'm thankful for "The Night Of The Doctor". I'm thankful for the adorable little boy who asked me for stickers. I'm thankful for the nice old lady who called me lovely. I'm thankful that, unlike some of the folks I met today, I did not have surgery. I'm thankful for my boss who talked me down from my ridiculously high-almost-panic-attack-inducing anxiety this morning. I'm thankful for being able to leave in 40 minutes. I'm thankful for my day off tomorrow

But most of all, I'm thankful for the wine that I know is in my fridge waiting for me right now. I earned it today. 

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