Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10: Zzzzzzzzz.....

Y'know some people say that once you do something three days in a row it becomes a habit. I certainly hope that's true! This is my third consecutive post since I started this project! I gotta say, I'm kinda proud of myself! I just hope I can keep this kind of momentum up starting tomorrow when I throw work and the next few Jostess Bakery projects into the mix! Who knows? I may even jump back into my fiction writing if this keeps up. Only time will tell I guess :).

Today I had a few ideas on what my post would be about. How great is that? So many things stood out that i'm ultimately so thankful for in my life. But one in particular seemed to keep popping in my head more than the rest. It's something that we all do and need at the end of the day. Literally. Today's entry is all about being thankful for sleeping. I'm serious! Sleeping is amazing! I'm so thankful at the end of a long day for my pajamas and nice warm bed. Aren't you?

There are two things in my little realm of existence that can turn me into a walking nightmare. The first we already discussed in my previous entry about coffee. The second, that subsequently goes hand-in-hand with the first, is lack of sleep. But it wasn't always this way. I remember being younger and never wanting to go to sleep. Staying up late was soooo cool and sleep was dumb. Back in my old days of working at the Ritz-Carlton, I would work 2:30 p.m. to 11p.m., go home, eat, go to sleep for 4 hours, wake up and be back at work for a 6 a.m. shift. I don't know what the hell I was thinking! I'm not even sure how I did that! Nowadays, I'm rarely in bed later than 10 p.m. If I stay up later than 1130, forget it! It throws of my entire rhythm and I just can't seem to fall asleep at all. This makes me pretty lame at New Years Eve parties. So, once again, i'm doing everyone else a favor by making sure I get a sufficient amount of sleep at night. No one wants to meet the un-caffeinated, sleep-deprived, glasses-less Jo Monster.   

Of course a good night's sleep is made all the more better by my bed of course! The best part of going to sleep is settling in for the night and curling up under a nice warm comforter and clean sheets! Especially in winter! My awesome mother-in-law actually got us these fuzzy "teddy bear" sheets to use when it gets colder. It's literally like sleeping in a bear suit. It's fabulous! 

Like most people, bed time is usually the time when every single bad thing you've ever done that day/in your life comes back to haunt you. It's about that time, especially in the colder months, I'll curl up, shut my eyes and listen to the wind. Just hearing hat icy breeze swirling outside my window always brings me right back to reality. No matter what happened that day, or ever I guess, doesn't even matter. It doesn't matter because  at that exact moment, I am in my bed, safe, warm and have no reason to worry. It could be so much worse! I could not have a bed, or pajamas, or even a place to call home.

I think that's the part of sleeping I love the most. 

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