Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Grateful Month #2: Day 9

Wow! Look at me go! Posting two days in a row is virtually unheard of for me these days! I must really be serious about this whole month of things to be grateful for. I just hope I can keep up this momentum!

Today I'm thankful for one of the more material things in my life and in most peoples lives for that matter. It seems kinda ridiculous to put something as trivial as this on my list of things to be grateful for but it makes such a positive impact on my day that I had to include it. I'm talking of course about that sweet, sweet nectar of the gods: Coffee.

Yup. That's right. I'm thankful for coffee. My day cannot start until I've had my first sip of it and god forbid you have to be near me before I have any at all!  The only thing that prefaces my first cup of the day is a hot shower! As I type this, i'm just finishing my delicious purchase from Dunkin's. I don't care that it's gotten cold! Every little sip is like a precious "zen moment". I was almost upset today because they had forgotten to the pumpkin spice in that I usually get but then I thought better of it. At least I have coffee. At least I have access to coffee. At least I can afford to buy a cup. Although I should add that my daily coffee consumption isn't just for me though. It's really for all of you! 

I'm serious! If I didn't get my coffee everyday, the lives of all those around me might be pretty miserable. Literally. My husband often compares me before coffee to Gollum from the Lord Of  The Rings. Yeah it's bad. I wouldn't be nearly as nice as I normally am without coffee. I'd probably be terrible at my job because I would lose focus easily. My cakes and pastries would turn out to be hideous monstrosities that would be beyond repair. I'm frightened by what would happen if I'm coffee-less and forget my glasses on the same day. Disaster might strike! So it's really a public service i'm doing for the betterment of society! 

And now I leave you with one of my favorite coffee-related things of all time . It's also one of my favorite moments ever from The Office:

Until tomorrow, friends.... 

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