Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Not-So-Spooky Salem #1: An Introduction

Well, well, well, what have we here? A new blog? What is this madness?

To be completely honest, I haven't had much to blog about recently. Nor have I really had the time! Between my grown-up job, my grandmother getting sick and dying and Yeti's grandmother dying, there hasn't been too much that has been inspiring me to write. But about two months ago, Yeti and I finally got the opportunity to move to Salem! Finally! After wanting to live there practically my whole life, we officially became Salem residents in August. Now that we have our own space and are getting back to normal after the move, I feel like my creative juices are starting to flow again. I even took a brief hiatus from cakes! Brief though, not long term ;).

For the past few weeks, i've been toying around with writing something. I had a few brief flashes of inspiration for one of my never-ending passion projects There were a few fun story ideas that ann through my head brought on just by daily life in general but nothing seemed to be sticking. Nothing felt right.  It wasn't until I started noticing the increased amounts of traffic and tourists around my neighborhood that I realized what I needed to be writing. It's something that I would think about every time I came to town before I even became a resident and something that will probably stick with me until I leave (which is hopefully never). Why is it that Salem only gets an influx of love in the month of October?

Is it because peopIe equate witches and psychics = scary/Halloween fun? Is that really all there is about the city that is bankable? It may be hard to believe but there was a time when the city didn't really make a huge deal out of its notorious history. That's thanks in part to an episode of Bewtiched back in the 70's where the Stephens family comes to Salem for the "Centennial Witch Convocation" and are soon plagued by shenanigans. Then it all went downhill from there. Or uphill depending on who you ask. So thanks a lot, Samantha Stephens. 

Although I guess in a way the town I know and love so much often shoots itself in the foot in this respect. But I mean that in a good way! If it brings revenue and visitors to the city then why not promote the hell out of Halloween as much as you can, right? However it's this very reason that causes people to forget Salem exists for the other 11 months of the year. It's like it disappears off the map! The crowds don't seem to have any other reason to come here which is sad. My city is far more than some haven for all things terrifying and spooky. Granted that part is fun, but my city is also friendly, vibrant, charming, beautiful and full of life for the other 334 days of the year! There is so much that people are missing by limiting their visits to just one month. 

So my goal with this blog series throughout the month of October is going to be to highlight some of my favorite things about the city as a new resident. Now I know I've only lived here for two months but I've been coming to Salem my whole life as more than just a tourist. I have very fond memories of this little seaport town. The happiest times of my life were spent here with some of my favorite people in my favorite spots. This city has given me so much that I feel like it is only fitting that I should try and help the town out a little and do what I can to support tourism throughout the year in my own way :)! i hope you'll continue on this fun journey with me throughout the month! 

With any luck I may just keep up with posting on a regular basis once this is all done but only time will tell ;).  

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